The Characters from Books 1 and 2 of the Mermaid Waters Series
Swan Song and The Dragon Who Found His Wings

Serena was a special wild swan who had a wonderful friendship with the author that spanned 15 years. The tragedies and triumphs in the book are largely based on what Lynn observed of Serena’s life.

Serena and Baby Prince
Serena trains Prince for the many life challenges that lay ahead.

Lord Quacksalot with Blondie and Precious
While it’s mostly native birds that appear in the book, this trio is a mixed band, and special friends of Serena.

The purple swamp hen who rules Swamp Hen Island.

The evil swan who would be king.

Serena’s beloved mate.

Serena and Hugh’s ambitious daughter.

A rainbow lorikeet perches in an umbrella tree, watching all the action on the lake below.

Cormorants resting on Swamp Hen Island on their migratory path.

A courageous young water dragon who dreams of having the power of flight, has to challenge his beliefs and connect with his past to save the future and his entire community.

An ancient, mysterious, and profoundly wise tree who speaks only with Swimmer, guiding him to tap into his genetic memory to be all that he can be and find the fabled Koolewong to reach his highest desire.

Lord Quacksalot
Impudent, hilarious, and often surprisingly courageous, this non-native white duck is a constant companion and support for those who strive to achieve the impossible for the greater good of all.

Deimos (upper right)
The duplicitous and self-serving king water dragon who would thwart the efforts of our hero to save the community in order to preserve his position, pride and ego.
Grace (bottom left)
Swimmer’s devoted and loving mate, who is forced to step up into a leadership position to prevent disaster ruining the community.

The Dragon Swimmer dreams of becoming.